FarmIQ is better than ever
Check out the handy new features waiting for you on the mobile and desktop apps.
Welcome back to FarmIQ
Over the last few years, we’ve listened to your feedback and worked hard to fix the gripes and annoying bugs in FarmIQ - plus we've added heaps of new features as well. If you’ve been away for a while, now’s the perfect time to jump back in!
We’re offering two months free for previous users who have cancelled and new users looking to get started. With enhanced features, new integrations and a pack to suit every farmer, there’s never been a better time to come back to FarmIQ.
Simply use the promo code COMEBACK at checkout to get two months free on any pack.
Have a gander at what's
new in FarmIQ...
Farm tasks sorted, faster
It's much easier to keep track of what needs doing on farm with our new mobile task features.
Create tasks, assign to staff and add notes
View tasks and mark them as complete
Add checklists for your staff
Assign the task to a category, such as health treatment, chemical application, condition scores, etc.
Filter tasks by the assignee and the task status
Upload attachments to existing tasks or compliance requirements

Growing the green gold
Handy new pasture features help you manage your grass on both the mobile app and the web, so you can really drill down into your data and know what you grow.
Record pasture covers on the go
Predict pasture cover up to 30 days ahead
Understand your farm's pasture growth at a glance with the new pasture cover heatmap
View all pasture cover records from your latest farm walk in the new map view
See live updates when recording new pasture covers
Get growth estimates based on your farm records, with expected regional growth rates you can adjust yourself as a back-up
Record animal health treatments on the go
Our new and improved mobile animal health treatments (AHTs) make it faster and easier to update your records as you treat your stock.
Easy access to AHTs on the new mobile app
AHTs inputs are NZFAP compliant
View your last AHT for your mob in the mobile stock list
Select all or part of a mob to treat
Less double record-keeping – ditch the notebook!

Freshwater Farm Plan
We've got a tool that will make sorting your FWFP a hell of a lot easier.
Our tool keeps things simple, by stepping you through the
entire FWFP process. We'll help you get it done, in small, easy-to-chew bites.
Map your land
Complete a risk assessment
Build a 5-year action plan
Every dog has its day
In FarmIQ, you can now add dogs and kennels as assets and record how you manage them – especially handy if you are completing NZFAP or NZFAP Plus!
Enter dogs and kennels as assets
Plan and record treatments for your farm dogs, and track the treatment products in your inventory
If multiple dogs get treatments at the same time, you can record them all in one go
Add notes or tasks for maintenance to kennels

Is your animal
dead and gone?
You can now record a death on the mobile app, wherever you are on farm.
Quick and easy recording
Easily keep your stock rec up to date
Keep compliant with NZFAP by recording the death then and there
Find patterns in animal deaths with consistent recording – is there a serious issue going on that needs to be addressed?
Keep the team safe
FarmIQ has extensive health and safety tools on web and mobile, with functionality reviewed by Worksafe New Zealand.
Identify hazards on the map
Record and report on incidents and near misses
Capture health and safety training records, and record team meetings
Store emergency plans and related documentation
Produce reports on health and safety compliance
Web module integrates with the SafeVisit app to manage visitor safety

We've joined forces
with some of the best
We're proud to have integrations and partnerships with many innovative Kiwi companies.